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Thursday 29 November 2012

South African Churches against LADY GAGA

Sunshine magazine
Cape Town - The South African Council of Churches has said that it will continue to take action against Lady Gaga and her influence on the youth of South Africa.

However, it is not clear if this action will be in the form of another march.

Vuyani Pule of the South African Council of Churches Youth Forum told Sunshine magazine online that the group would not be elaborating on any further marches against Lady Gaga in south Africa.

Earlier in November, the group made it clear that they do not support Lady Gaga coming to tour South Africa, and organized a protest march to the department of Arts and Culture in Pretoria, where they petitioned against her performing in South Africa.

The church council has stated that they are still concerned about Gaga's influence, saying they are worried about the "destructive impact" Lady Gaga can have on South Africa's youth.

When asked about their mindset behind their march in November, Rev Mxolisi Sonti, secretary of the youth forum, told Channel24 that they wanted to inform people about the social ills that our society is facing.

He also said that the protest served to make people aware of the high ticket prices of her show during our current economic times.

'More courage to stand for truth'

"Our call and action was to make an awareness to South Africans and take an action against the tickets priced at R3 495 and R2 995 respectively. And we can't afford to look and be silent while our economy is affecting us all.

"Nevertheless the tickets were dropped and now people are even allowed to join the Lady Gaga concerts free of charge."

Rev Sonti told the Afrikaans daily newspaper Beeld earlier in November they are afraid of the extent of Satanism in South Africa at this time, and that Gaga's visit could lead to an exponential growth of Satanism.

He still maintains that her influence on the youth is troubling and that they will continue to take a stand against artists who could increase the extent of Satanism in South Africa.

"Her presence in our Christian community will never disturb us. Instead she is giving us more courage to stand for truth despite who will be there to support her. We set our stand clear. Furthermore we are also looking for artists that will revive morals and values and also have such role models not vice versa," Rev Sonti said

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